Zine #61 hi zutt! hi honey!

Voynich Pages

… working on the voynich-page-project-collages for zines artfusion …
( the original voynich manuscript is a document that is notable for its strange text, that to date hasn‘t been decrypted. theories range from a secret language or code to an old sort of joke or hoax. )


In the mood

Zine #60 Engel&Tier

Zine #59 BOY O BOY

zine #58 jupp | sonic punk

Zine #57 short stories

Zine #56: NO TXT NO FUN

Zine #55: in vino veritas

Zine#54: Hello again!

zine54 – ein „remake“ der Hai-Life/ Zutt&Honig (Artfusion Nr. 1)

neo raucht …


Nur die Wurst…

Chairway to Heaven

Modern Mechanix